“Toward theoretical understanding of deep learning”
Speaker: Professor Sanjeev Arora
Princeton University & Institute for Advanced Study
Tomorrow – Wednesday, April 18, 2018, 12:00-1:00pm
Location: Yale Institute for Network Science, 17 Hillhouse Avenue, 3rd floor
Abstract: This talk will be a survey of ongoing efforts and recent results to develop better theoretical understanding of deep learning, from expressiveness to optimization to generalization theory. We will see the (limited) success that has been achieved and the open questions it leads to. (My expository articles appear at
www.offconvex.org (link is external))
Bio: Sanjeev Arora is Charles C. Fitzmorris Professor of Computer Science at Princeton University and Visiting Professor at the Institute for Advanced Study. He is an expert in theoretical computer science, especially theoretical ML. He has received the Packard Fellowship (1997), Simons Investigator Award (2012), Goedel Prize (2001 and 2010), ACM-Infosys Foundation Award in the Computing Sciences (now called the ACM prize) (2012), and the Fulkerson Prize in Discrete Math (2012).
4/25/18: Adam Auton (23andme)
5/2/18: Andre Levchenko