Tag Archives: DL

Please avoid using archive.gersteinlab.org

Hi all:

Hold off on getting meetings files from http://files.gersteinlab.org/meetings/ I’ve disable this by MGs order.

On Wed, May 17, 2017 at 4:32 PM, Donghoon Lee wrote: > Hi all,
> Please avoid using archive.gersteinlab.org if possible.
> For the most people in the lab,
> please use http://files.gersteinlab.org/meetings/
> instead of http://archive.gersteinlab.org/meetings/s/
> This includes the use of personal html space in archive:
> /home
> /project
> If you don’t know what it is, you would be fine. If you are hosting > something on your home or project space, please remove them. >
> Thanks!

TOTD publicizing a document using files.gersteinlab.org

How to upload and make a public link for a file

STEP 1. Copy the document to iw.gersteinlab.org

Usage: ssh netid@iw.gersteinlab.org
cp from to

Note that files in gw.gersteinlab.org are also in iw.gersteinlab.org except for @gondor:/home/

STEP 2. Run the publicize.sh script

Usage: /usr/local/bin/publicize.sh FileName 

STEP 3. You will get a link in the format:


Please note it can take up to a few minutes to sync.

Alternatively, files are also browsable from:


For more info: http://wiki.gersteinlab.org/labinfo/Public-docs